At CHEC, the Catalysis and High-temperature Engineering Centre, we focus on chemical engineering principles applied in combustion, harmful emission control, gasification, catalysis, continuous production of pharmaceuticals and advanced measuring technology. Our primary expertise covers chemical reaction engineering and transport phenomena.

About us

Our main objective is to assist industry and public authorities in the selection, development, design and operation of efficient processes with high yields of the desired products while minimizing harmful emissions.

Step-by-step CHEC has consolidated its industrial network and links to internationally recognized research organizations.

Working in close cooperation with Danish as well as foreign research organizations and industry has always been a strong, ongoing theme in all of CHEC’s activities to provide research that has both international and practical impact.

Our research

Our main disciplinary research is within chemical reaction engineering and transport processes and cover theoretical modelling based on experiments carried out from microscale reactors to pilot plants to full-scale industrial production plants. In close cooperation with industry we conduct research in:

  • Combustion, gasification and pyrolysis
  • Emission control from thermal processes
  • Inorganic chemistry in combustion and related processes
  • Optical diagnostics
  • Continuous production of pharmaceuticals
  • Catalysis

Our History

Our centre was established in 1987 with the initial objective of employing chemical engineering principles in support of the efforts of the power industry to establish environmentally friendly processes.

More specifically, we wanted to build up basic knowledge to support the implementation of desulphurization processes and low-NOx technologies for existing as well as new coal-based power plants.

In the early 1990's we entered the field of sustainable use of biomass and waste in thermal processes. In 2012 the Biomass Gasification Group formerly at DTU-Mechanical Engineering and Risø merged into CHEC.

Today, our centre has expanded into a range of new areas as outlined above and counts about 70 staff members, i.e. faculty, researchers (PhD students, post docs, senior researchers), technicians and administrative personnel as well as many students.


We are always interested in discussing new opportunities for future research collaborations, so please feel free to contact Head of CHEC, Professor Kim Dam-Johansen.


Kim Dam-Johansen

Kim Dam-Johansen Professor, Head of Department Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Phone: +45 45252845